Tadao Cern | Black flower / Echo white
Botanical communities establish complex information and support systems to survive. Plant intelligence is enlivened in situations of danger, such as lack of water. This installation starts from a simple premise – the reuse of the courtyard pool – to compose a work that recreates these collective behaviours of nature generated by interconnected root systems, chemical signals and symbiotic relationships. Tadao Cern shows these processes with the result of a landscape of white flowers naturally coloured by the black water they feed on.
Fascinated by the fusion between the diverse cultures that have historically enriched Cordoba, represented in the Archaeological Museum, the Lithuanian artist uses the symbolic power of black – a fusion of the spectrum of all colours – confronted with its opposition, white, to speak to us of solidarity, history and resistance.
“Beyond its aesthetic appeal, this installation carries an environmental message: the responsible use of our precious resources”.
(Tadao Cern)